Anti Bullying Week 2023
Anti-Bullying Week 2023 has commenced!
This year it has the theme 'Make A Noise About Bullying' and will take place from Monday 13th to Friday 17th November 2023.
With this in mind, it is only fitting that we take a moment to talk about the realities of this for children and young people within the Traveller and Roma communities. A recent report by the NHS Race and Health Observatory highlighted the inequalities faced by these communities within mental health care. The report outlined the findings of the Traveller Movement report where the negative attitudes often shown towards these communities was described as ‘the last acceptable form of racism.’
The unfortunate reality is that 86% of children and young people within the Traveller community admit that the biggest challenge for them within school, is bullying (Anti-bullying Alliance, 2020). For many, they feel that even though they are proud of their race and culture, they choose not to talk about it in school for fear that people will judge and treat them differently.
Today and every day we aim to celebrate difference through the Media Initiative for Children Programme. Kathleen’s message focuses on the inclusion of the Travelling Community and developing confidence and positive attitudes towards self and others.
MIFC video, ‘Kathleen Makes New Friends’
More information available here