All Party Group AGM
The All Party Group on Early Education & Childcare held its AGM on Thursday 27 February 2025 via Teams. Nicola Brogan MLA, outgoing APG Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked all APG members, in particular the office bearers, for their contributions over the last year.
The main purpose of the AGM was to re-convene the All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare, elect officers, secure an engaged membership and review the purpose of the Group.
The election of new office bearers was conducted with Cathy Mason MLA elected to the role of Chair, Peter Martin MLA elected to the role of Vice-Chair, Michelle Guy MLA elected to the role of Treasurer and Sinéad McLaughlin MLA elected to the role of Secretary.
Nicola Brogan thanked outgoing Vice Chair Diane Dodds MLA and outgoing Treasurer Kate Nicholl MLA for their input to the group and handed over to the new Chair.
The purpose of the All Party Group was reviewed and agreed as follows; to drive policy and legislative development, promote best practice, and improve practical provision in relation to the delivery of early education and childcare in Northern Ireland on a cross-party, cross-departmental and cross-sector basis.
The aims to achieve this purpose are: a childcare strategy with sufficient allocated funding for delivery; a statutory duty for childcare in Northern Ireland; to raise and address live issues in relation to policy and provision; a forum to raise awareness, collate evidence and provide accountability in ensuring quality childcare is affordable and accessible for parents and childcare providers.
The members agreed on a series of themes for the year ahead. The date of the next All Party Group meeting is Thursday 27th March.