Early Years Membership Renewal 2020 - Member's perspective
Early Years Membership provides you with advice and support, access to advocacy and a chance to influence policy, as well as access to an extensive range of benefits and resources to help support you fulfil your vision for improved outcomes for children. We asked our current members what they think of Early Years Membership.
“I need to comment on the excellent service that has been delivered by Early Years, particularly through this last year. I would specifically like to thank two people Will (Membership and Contracts Manager) and Eileen (Early Years Quality Mentor).
Anytime I have had a query/request, Will has been very quick to respond and always helpful and pointing me in the right direction. Eileen has been emailing and holding webinars and keeping us extremely well-informed.
With result I feel confident and reassured about reopening our setting. Early Years has handled the COVID-19 situation with extreme professionalism and deserves to be acknowledged. ”