Early Years AGM 2024 - Review
The 2024 Early Years AGM took place on 17th October.
Maria McDonagh chaired proceedings in her final year as Chairperson of Early Years. As she steps down from this role later in the year, Pauline Walmsley (Early Years CEO) thanked Maria sincerely for her sound leadership and direction throughout many years of challenge and change.
Pauline presented the resolutions written by each branch and recorded by the Early Years Council representatives for the 24/25 year. All resolutions were carried, and the Early Years Board of Directors and Council members officially approved through a live voting system.
The Annual Report was formally launched and can be found below:
Following formal proceedings we were joined by Elaine McGreevy, Specialist Speech & Language Therapist who gave a keynote presentation entitled “Supporting Children with Autism”. Elaine reminded us that Neurodiversity is a term used for ‘all of us together’ and we need to make space for neurodiverse children in our world, accepting them as they are and finding ways to help them integrate into the world around them.
The importance of a culture of love, care and support is vital for both the children in a setting and the employees providing their care.
Elaine commented that in her experience she has found that an inclusive mindset is most prevalent in early years settings where she has seen that people are most loving, compassionate and adaptable.
She encouraged everyone in the sector to keep doing what you’re doing! You are making a difference in these young lives.
We want to thank Elaine for her expertise, passion and conviction which resulted in a very uplifting and motivating event for everyone.
If you would like more information please visit Elaine’s website: https://www.accesscommunication.org.uk/
AGM 2024 Gallery