Content relates to the Pathway Fund arrangement for 2025/26 and provisionally 2026/27. Funding awards in 2025/2026 will be subject to DE budget availability.
Funding awards for year two (2026/27) are also subject to DE budget availability therefore there is no guarantee of all or any funding in year two.
Stream A Application
A competitive funding application process open to all registered providers or facilitators with the following conditions in place:
Awards will be made for over £20,001 up to a maximum £40,000.
No duplication or displacement of existing provision.
Confirmation of need for the project and the funding requested.
Proposed projects will be assessed against the 6 Fund criteria.
Stream B Application
A competitive funding application process open to all registered providers or facilitators with the following conditions in place:
Awards will be made up to £20,000.
No duplication or displacement of existing provision.
Confirmation of need for the project and the funding requested.
Proposed projects will be assessed against the 4 Priority Fund criteria.
Stream C Application
The Pathway Fund Stream C is open to all registered Childminders and Approved Home Childcarers (AHCs) from 2025/26
Awards of up to £500.00
Providing applicants meet the eligibility criteria
In this section you will need to provide evidence of your eligibility.
Date of your most recent safeguarding training, this should be within the last 3 years.
Date of most recent Health and Social Care Trust inspection / Approval.
Provide breakdown of the ages of the children your supporting between 0-4 years from 1st April 2025 – 31st March 2026 Childminders and Approved Home Childcarers (AHCs) will need to provide detail of the total number of children being supported via the Pathway funding for children aged 0-4 year
Watch the video below to see how to apply for Stream C:

Stream A & B application assistance
If you require some assistance with The Pathway Funds online application system, please see the below videos that may assist your issue. If you require further help please see our contact details.
Registering your account
Please note that you may already have an account. If you cannot remember your password please see the ‘forgot my password’ video.
Forgot my password
If you have an account and have forgot your password, follow this short video in order to access your account.
Adding a collaborator
It is best practice to add a collaborator to assist in the completion of your Pathway Fund application.
Completing a pathway fund application
This short video will show you how you can navigate your way through the Pathway Fund application.
Useful Links and Resources
Frequently Asked Questions Steam A & B
Frequently Asked Questions Steam C
SureStart Projects - Developmental Programmes for 2-3 Year Olds
Department of Education (DE) Safeguarding Policy

Contact Us
For further information please contact The Pathway Fund
A: The Pathway Project, 6c Wildflower Way, Apollo Road, Boucher Road, Belfast, BT12 6TA
T: +44 (0)28 9066 2825 (Option 2)
E: thepathwayfund@early-years.org (Stream A & B)
E: streamc@early-years.org (Stream C)